Whats in it for you?

In this newsletter, I talk about Product Dev, System Design, Architecture, and AI/ML. I send out issues whenever possible (although I try to stick to 2 consolidated issues per month), which cover various aspects of mentioned topics. These topics may get covered as below content pieces, and the newsletter will help consolidate them for you.

  1. Tech Blogs on Let’s Do Tech

  2. Product Dev (about Budge and Confer Ninja)

  3. Guest posts

  4. Behind the scenes (Newsletter only)

  5. … (room for creativity)

In general, I am interested in having a conversation with you, and also keen to exchange answers to our questions.


I see a lot of wasted potential in most of the techies who just end up doing their jobs all their life. While on one hand Tech has been a cornerstone for humanity’s progress, on the other hand people have these dormant dreams lying in the corners of their lives.

I can’t imagine, but wonder, if all the Techies out there really had the will to put their skills to greater use, what could yesterday’s future, i.e. today, have looked like?


  1. if you are one of those,

  2. or if you have already realised the above fact, but not sure where or when to begin,

  3. or if you have already begun,

  4. or if you have already created wonders,

  5. or if you want to follow along anyway,

I urge you to subscribe to my blog where I share my journey. With 12+ years of corporate circus, things have finally started to fall in place. I hope the content I share with you inspires you enough to take on your own adventure. I don’t mind to be your cheerleader.

Together, we would launch, fail, learn lessons, relaunch, and keep repeating the cycle to build meaningful products in Tech business.

I have just begun, and I plan to share blogs, newsletters, resources, courses and more. Subscribe!

I am keen on listening to your thoughts, comments, emails, DMs.

Subscribe to Let's Do Tech

Notes from a friend on product dev, system design, architecture, and AI.