[FREE eBook] Cloud-Native System Performance
![[FREE eBook] Cloud-Native System Performance [FREE eBook] Cloud-Native System Performance](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fd6c5d8c4-ca30-4bb3-90dd-b98bc17d1f61_2000x1333.jpeg)
Improvising any system performance requires us to look at the system with a bit of suspicion and a whole lot of perspectives. The key is to identify bottlenecks and implement solutions with careful trade-off considerations.
I have been part of many architectural discussions for SaaS and PaaS-based systems, and every discussion always involves the performance topic - irrespective of the stage of development. As an architect, you are expected to provide inputs from several perspectives in these discussions and performance is one of them.
Product design workshops are the place and time where intense brainstorming sessions take place. When designing and architecting a system, performance is a topic that is a baseline theme from conception till delivery, even when new features are being rolled out.
Just listening to these discussions is so fruitful as you gain a lot of insights and gain knowledge about how systems are tuned to deliver optimum value. My intention with this series was to jot down the mind-map I developed over a period of time as part of these discussions.
The matter was so much that it did not make sense to put everything together in a single blog post. Thus, I divided this map into 3 broad areas - compute, storage & memory, and network. Even then, each of these areas had a lot of ground to cover. So I decided to compile everything into an ebook and make it available for your reference.
The blog posts consist of descriptions of chosen best challenges and cloud-native approaches. However, the ebook consists of everything I could recollect from my practical experience.
I hope that anyone with an understanding of the technical side of things will find this book useful. This is my maiden and sincere attempt to compile my practical knowledge in this form. Especially, if you are a developer progressing towards an architectural path, or if you are already an architect curious to improve your chops - this book is for you.
With this, I announce the first version of the ebook from LDT named “Cloud-Native System Performance”. I intend to update this material with newer and broadened experiences. I also plan to cover more topics in similar formats.
Since this is my first ever written work format, I am expecting a LOT of constructive feedback from you. I do think the information accommodated in this ebook still doesn't do justice to the topic, but the intention is to provide valuable pointers to you for a constructive discussion. Feel free to drop me an email with your comments.
Thank you!